Robot Chicken Returns, Seth Green Achieves Cult Godhood

Let's just surrender to it. Give in. Seth Green, all of 36 years old, is already a certifiable cult-level Hero of the People.
It's not just because Robot Chicken is returning with new episodes (Sunday, 11:45, Cartoon Network/Adult Swim). It's just everything.  This dude has been on TV since he was, like, ten years old.  And who'd've thought the mouthy little dude on The Byrds of Paradise -- yes, some of us remember this long-ago classic starring Seth and Jennifer Love Hewitt and some grown-up dudes nobody cares about except for maybe Arlo Guthrie -- would rise to the heights of Oz the Werewolf on Buffy, Scott Evil in the Austin Powers movies back when Mike Myers was funny, and the voice of Chris Griffin on Family Guy?
We'd have to love him for Robot Chicken aloneA show that shouldn't even exist, much less be painfully, horribly funny about things we shouldn't really laugh about at all. But if you haven't seen the rap version of a sequel to Jim Henson's movie, The Dark Krys-TAHL, then you haven't truly lived. And the damn thing just keeps getting better and better.  (Oh, and rent the undeservedly ignored Titan Maximum, Season One (and only) over on Netflix. If you love RC and Seth Green, you will not be sorry.)
So who cares if he's still in his mid-thirties and looks in his mid-twenties?  Who cares if he's become a major player as a producer as well as an actor, and somehow manages to remain one step ahead of us and still cool after all these years?  We're not jealous. Not at all. We forgive him for Without a Paddle. We'll overlook Three Kings. And we'll just watch these new Robot Chickens and be happy that Seth is alive, and most likely going to be with us for a long, long time. 

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