Syfy's Haven renewed for a second season ... but why?

Life is full of mysteries.  Why are we here? What do dreams mean?  Why is there an electoral college? And why would anyone even THINK of renewing Haven for a second season?

Let's get a few things straight. This flat-as-a-flounder "fantasy" show on Syfy has about as much to do with Stephen King's The Colorado Kid as Hot in Cleveland has to do with NYPD Blue. Literally two character names are the same, and the characters they play bear little or no resemblance to that sly little book's portrayals. (Notice that King himself is nowhere in sight on this show, other than in the promotions. That oughta tell you something.) Everything else, everything else, from the name of the town to its location to the plot(s) and subplot(s) and basic premise: no resemblance whatever. Nada.

Second: the world of episodic television really doesn't need yet another "eccentric town with a secret" show. Thankfully Eureka and Warehouse 13 have both turned out to be (surprisingly) decent over time, and they each have the advantage of (a) some basic creativity, and (b) some demonstrable chemistry between the key actors. Also Saul Rubinek and Joe E. Morton.  What has Haven got? None of the above.  You can see faint (and strained) strains of X-Files and Fringe and even The Outer friggin' Limits, as well as the aforemention SyFy shows all over this thing, but what you won't see is an ounce of energy or originality. Even the "monster of the week" notions are anywhere from unmemorable to simply lame. And the over-arching 'mystery' of the lead character's origin is so singularly uninvolving that it actually makes you wish they hadn't cancelled Persons Unknown. Or FlashForward. Or Happy Town. Or Harper's Island. Or ...

Is this really the best that SyFy can do?  Yes, we know that the Riverworld reboot was awesomely bad, and the Phantom backdoor pilot out of Australia was embarassing, and they scrweed the pooch on The Dresden Files as well. But seriously, people, when the best show you can point to in the last couple of years -- since SGU and BS:G -- is Sanctuary -- friggin' Sanctuary, man! -- it is way past time for an Agonizing Reappraisal of All Things Syfy. It's gotten to the point where we're surprised (as with last season's arc on Eureka) that what we see on SyFy isn't awful.

But seriously, people: MORE HavenSeriously?

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