The Newest Cool: Detroit 1-8-7

We're a month into the new season, so this is way overdue, but there's little doubt: the completely unnoticed Detroit 1-8-7 is the coolest new show on the nets.

Ten pm, Tuesday nights, ABC. It's not the first gritty-ass cop drama you've ever seen, and the herky-jerky documentary style can get to be a bit much now and then, but man, is the writing sharp. The plots aren't really the important part -- this isn't a whodunnit, it's a nearly pure procedural. And what really makes this work is the backdrop of the real, live City of Detroit and some absolutely convincing acting by just about everybody, especially Michael (The Sopranos, Life on Mars) ImperioliNatalie Martinez, and most amazing James McDaniel, playing yet another urban cop, but one who's so far away from his button-down sargeant on NYPD Blue that you'll have to ask the guy next to you if that's the same actor at all.

(And as for Imperioli -- yeah, everybody remembers his wonderful work on Sopranos, or even farther back in Goodfellas. But the 142 people who watched ABC's odd little cop-time-travel actioner, Life on Mars, will remember Imperioli as the very best thing about that show, right down to his aviator sunglasses and porn mustache. The greatest -- and most insufferable -- cop in all of Seventies SF.  Wonderful stuff.)

ABC just kind of dumped Detroit into the 10:00 pm Tuesday slot to duke it out with The Good Wife on CBS and Parenthood on NBC. It's had a minimal amount of promotion, but it's getting a maximum amount of buzz as the best of the new offerings. So check it out. Watch it. Save it. You can always watch The Good Wife in reruns or somethin'.

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